Saturday, September 15, 2012

Book 2: The Knights of the Round Table

   Since the Round Table began, it has grown in fame and size.  Many knights from around the world come to test their strength and honor.  My knights have completed many adventures, and I will tell you some of their stories here.

The Green Knight
At the Christmas feast, we were interrupted by a Green Knight who entered the hall and challenged the knights to slay him with his terrible green and gold axe.  Sir Gawain took the challenge and the Green Knight kneeled so Sir Gawain could smite his head off.  When he swung the axe, the Green Knight's head was severed from his body.  Amazingly, the Green Knight walks to his head, picks it up, and tells Sir Gawain that he has to find him in a year.  A year later, Sir Gawain leaves to find the Green Knight. On his journey, he stays with a couple at a castle who befriends him.  The wife tries to trick him into being unfaithful but Gawain resists her three times.  He leaves, and finds the Green Chapel where the Green Knight lives.  Sir Gawain was surprised to see the Green Knight with his head back on.  This time the Green Knight tries to slay him with another axe three times but Sir Gawain prevails.  The Green Knight reveals that he is the husband of the lady that tried to test Gawain's nobility.  Nimue, the Lady of the Lake, sent the Green Knight to Camelot to test the valor of the Knights of the Round Table.  I was proud of the faithful knight and gave him his honor back.

One day at a Feast a wounded man came for healing.  Lady Nimue had said that there was an amazing knight that could heal with the touch of his hand.  All the knights tried but to no avail.  Lady Nimue entered the hall with Launcelot, and said that he was the Knight that could heal people and that he would take an empty spot at the Round Table.  I immediately knighted Launcelot.  Launcelot went over to the wounded man and by touch he healed him.  We were all impressed, and I sent Launcelot out on his first quest.  During his journey, Launcelot and his men laid down under a tree to rest.  While he was sleeping, his men saw a Knight that was chasing three other knights.  They tried to defeat him, but he captured them and threw them in his dungeon where he had many knights.  While Launcelot was still sleeping, Morgana le Fay and three other queens came upon him.  They devised a plan to capture him by putting him to sleep for seven hours with a spell.  They took him back to their castle and when he woke up they told him he had to marry one of them or be slain.  Launcelot refused either of those options.  The queens put him in the dungeon with the other knights.  A damsel that brought him food offered to help him escape if he would help her father fight another knight.  He killed the knight for her father and returned to the castle to rescue his men.  He fought Sir Turquyn, the Knight that had captured and put all the knights in the dungeon.  After he kills Sir Turquyn, he frees all the knights in the dungeon.  All the knights returned to King Arthur but Sir Launcelot went on to go on many more adventures.  I was impressed with his heroic adventures and he became my best knight.

Gareth and the Red Knight
At another feast, a stranger came into the hall and asked for three gifts:  one he would get right then, and the other two he would get a year later.  I was intrigued, so I asked the boy what he wanted. He said that the first gift was to serve in the kitchen of the Round Table for a year.  I granted his wish, and he served us well for a year.  At that time, a lady came into the hall because her sister had been kidnapped by the Red Knight and she wanted us to save her.  The kitchen boy asked for the quest as his second gift, and said that his third gift would be to be knighted by Launcelot.  I agreed, and they left with the lady.  First, Beaumains the kitchen server slayed a Black Knight who challenged him.  He showed him mercy and sent him back to Camelot to serve King Arthur.  Launcelot saw this and asked him who he was, and he revealed that he was Gareth, King Arthur's nephew.  Launcelot knighted him and they continued the journey.  Next they met a Green Knight who challenged them and Gareth overthrew him.  He does the same as the Black Knight for the Green Knight.  Then, they come upon a Blue Knight who challenges them and Gareth wins.  He sends the Blue Knight back to serve King Arthur as well.  Finally, they find the Red Knight who is holding the lady hostage.  Gareth gets the upper hand and defeats him.  The Red Knight explains that it was Morgana le Fay who was trying to ruin Camelot yet again, and Gareth had stopped her plan and brought honor and fame to the Round Table.  I set my nephew a seat at the Round Table and was proud of the glory he brought us.

King Arthur's Goblet
One of the most important stories happened when a man named Percival was brought to my court.  As we were sitting there, a Red Knight entered the hall and stole my goblet and ran away.  I said that whoever could return the goblet wearing the Red Knight's armour would be knighted.  Percivale accepted the challenge and left to return the goblet.  Percival was successful and killed the Red Knight and took the goblet and his armour.  On his return, he entered a castle and saw the Holy Grail, Holy Spear, and a golden platter.  The lady there told him that when Galahad sat at the Round Table the Holy Grail would appear at Camelot.  Percival returned to tell us his tale and he had many great quests after this.  I cannot wait for Galahad to come and fulfill the prediction of Merlin.


  1. King Arthur, how did the Green Knight DO that??? - knight of the Round Table

  2. King Arthur, I am pleased that the Knights of the Round Table have proven their fame and honor. - Lady Nimue

  3. I wasn't sleeping, I was resting my eyes! - Launcelot

  4. Oh come on! - Morgana Le Fay

  5. King Arthur, I also fought the Rainbow Knight! All these colored Knights are confusing! - Sir Gareth

  6. King Arthur, I will find the Holy Grail! - Percival
